About Our Hospital
Sweetwater Hospital Association (SHA) is a 59 bed, acute care, not-for-profit corporation, which was chartered by the state of Tennessee in 1936. It is a unique organization in that no stock has ever been issued, nor can be issued in the future. Since there are neither owners nor stockholders, any money generated in excess of operational funds is dedicated by law and resolution of the Board of Directors to perpetual use for improving health care delivery to the people served by Sweetwater Hospital Association.
Sweetwater Hospital Association is located in rural East Tennessee and serves parts of Meigs, McMinn, Roane, Loudon and all of Monroe County. It is the only hospital located in Monroe County which has a population of approximately 46,698.
Board of Directors
Dr. Kenny Archer, Dr. Christopher Bowman, Mr. John Carson III, Mr. Mark Clinton, Mr. Jim Fairweather, Ms. Teresa Harrill, Dr. Laurence James, Mr. Gary Kimsey, Dr. Ken Kozawa, Mr. Pat Pennington, Mr. T.K. Sloan, Mr. Doug Warren, Ms. Barbara Watson
Chairman - Mr. Doug Warren Vice Chairman - Mr. John Carson, III Secretary/Treasurer - Andrea Henry, Chief Executive Officer
To provide the highest quality of medical care. To continue our reputation for having highly knowledgeable and technically skilled staff. To provide outstanding patient care in state of the art facilities with genuine kindness and compassion for others.
Executive Team

Physician Specialties include:
Family Practice, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Geriatrics, Gastroenterology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Orthopedic Surgery, Urology, Pulmonology, Podiatry, Oncology, Otolaryngology, Emergency Medicine and Anesthesiology.
Patient Care Services include:
Physical, Speech and Occupational Therapies; Respiratory Therapy; Pharmacy; Nursing; Radiology including, Mammography, Bone Densiotometry, Ultrasound, CT, MRI, and Nuclear Studies, Dietary and Nutritionist Consultations, Medical Laboratory, Patient/Family Education, Infection Control, Pastoral Care, Social Services and skilled Home Care.
Non-Patient Care Departments include:
Fiscal Services, Facility Maintenance/Construction, Environmental Services, Purchasing, Health Information Management, Risk Management, Performance Improvement, and Medical Staff Services.