Information Systems Contact Information
Telephone: 865-213-8200. Tell operator who you are and you need to talk to IT support.
Fax: 865-213-8483
Provider Links and Information
Remote App/Web Portal/OBTV
AnyConnect Install Notes
1. Uninstall or pause any antivirus you may have installed.
2. Find the AnyConnect download and open it.
3. Click Select All one time to unselect everything.
4. Click Diagnostic and Reporting tool to unselect it.
5. Click Core & VPN only. Make sure it is the only option checked. Click install Selected.
6. The program will install. When finished, reenable your antivirus.
7. The IT department will provide your login information.
TeamViewer Quick Support: To download the TeamViewer Quick Support program, click this link or click the picture of TeamViewer below. The download will begin. When finished, click the download to open it.
Click “I have read and accept the terms and conditions of the EULA and DPA.
Click I Agree.
Wait a few seconds and the QuickSupport window will open. Give the IT support person the Session code number when asked for it.
When finished, you can close the program by clicking the X at the top right of the window.
Tell the IT support person “Your ID” and “Password” numbers. From that point, the Information Systems support person will be able to control your mouse and keyboard to provide remote support on your pc.
To download the IMPC Remote program, click the picture below:
The download will begin. After the program is downloaded, click the Run button at the bottom of your browser.
Once you run the program, you will see a window like this:

Tell the IT support person “Your ID” and “Password” numbers. From that point, the Information Systems support person will be able to control your mouse and keyboard to provide remote support on your pc.
For IT technician: imPCRemote Instant Admin
Webmail Support
NOTE: You must contact the IT department for your username and password to access Webmail.