How may I obtain copies of my health information?
An Authorization to Release Information Form is required for any use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) that is not covered under treatment, payment, or health care operations (EHS business practices). The form is available by clicking this link. An authorization must be received from the patient before any PHI is used or disclosed with the exception of information used or disclosed for treatment, payment, or health care operations. When a valid authorization for use or disclosure of PHI is received, the information must be disclosed only to the individual or entity specified in the authorization and for the purpose authorized.
Please mail or e-mail the authorization to:
Sweetwater Hospital Association
Attention: Health Information Management Department
304 Wright Street
Sweetwater, TN 37874

Who may sign an authorization?
The patient must sign the authorization unless the patient is a minor or declared physically or mentally incompetent. If the patient is a minor, one of the patient’s parents or guardian would sign the authorization. If the patient is mentally or physically incompetent, the patient’s legal guardian would sign the authorization and provide proof of guardianship. If you have been named as a legal representative in a Durable Power of Attorney, this document must be provided as proof at the time of the request. If requesting records on a deceased patient, the executor of the patient’s estate or surviving spouse should sign the authorization.
How can my doctor obtain my health information?
Your doctor may contact our Health Information Department at (865) 213-8527 or fax a request to (865) 213-8404 and request your information for treatment.
How can my doctor obtain my x-ray images?
If you know your doctor will need a copy of your x-ray images, request a disc at the time of your study. Your doctor may also contact the Radiology Department at 865-213-8427 or the Health Information Management Department at (865) 213-8527. Some hospitals/doctors offices accept x-ray images electronically. The Radiology Department will know if your x-ray images can be sent electronically.