SHA Volunteer Program

SHA Volunteer Program

Sweetwater Hospital Association is offering Volunteer opportunities for those that have a passion for care giving and reflect the SHA values and mission. By providing assistance and support to
patients, families, and hospital staff, the Volunteers at SHA improve the over all hospital
experience of our patients and their families. We welcome individuals with all backgrounds and abilities that are compassionate and caring to help aid in continuing care excellence. If you would like to become an SHA Volunteer, please visit

Adult volunteers that wish to seek a long-term commitment are comprised of people 18-years and over.
Teen Volunteers must be 15-17 years old. Parents must co-sign application and all documents.
Possess outstanding communication skills and able to read, write and communicate in English.
Most Volunteers work at least one day a week for a 4-hour shift.
Must pass a background check.
No medical background required.

The Perks of Being an SHA Volutneer:

Discounted Hospital and Physician Services (HOPD Only)
Free shuttle service to and from the building/most are seniors
Free meal if you work 4-hours or more
Appreciation gifts and luncheons at various times
during the year
Service Recognition
Christmas Gift
Birthday Gift
Birthday Luncheon
Use of the Employee Pharmacy if seen by a Sweetwater
Hospital Association Physician
Free flu shots and immunization screenings

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